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Strategy & Equity

Strategy & Equity

“Building the plane while flying it” is a phrase that quickly became synonymous with my nonprofit experience. While remaining nimble and adaptable to evolving circumstances is essential for any nonprofit, investing in a culture of learning is also essential to making the impact you intend to in your community. Fortunately, my nonprofit experience also introduced me to the Akan concept of Sankofa: simply put, we must look back in order to look forward. My strategy work looks at the following areas so you can live your mission while living your values: Fundraising Strategy, Operations & Capacity, Financial Management, People (Staff & Culture), Program Delivery & Efficacy, and Social Justice.

Project scopes are customizable based on your budget for this work and our mutual capacity. Rates are either flat fee or hourly depending on the project and are offered on a sliding scale based on your organization's operating budget.

Assessments: Org, Dev or Grants

I conduct organizational, development or grants assessments depending on the scope of your need. I approach this work through a holistic lens that includes centering the voices of your staff, board and community members, a robust review of the aforementioned key areas of organizational effectiveness, and analyzing and synthesizing this information into a clear takeaway for you to leverage in your future decision-making. My assessments yield a comprehensive report, short-term implementation plan and long-term recommendations. In particular, if you are considering scenario planning, strategic planning or a capital campaign, let’s engage in this essential process of reflection to get you on your way.

Equity Analysis

I will work with you to assess the ways in which equity is meaningfully integrated into the functional areas of your organization. If you are beginning your journey, I will support you to reflect on cultural norms and relationships, to deepen analysis around racial equity, and to build a vision and framework for what you hope to achieve. This work requires openness, humility, curiosity, and deep, unwavering commitment - if you are ready to do the hard and necessary work to be better and do better for your staff and community, reach out.

Organizational Effectiveness & Problem Solving

I work with organizations to assess the “how” of their mission: how the work gets done, the processes used, and the roles and responsibilities of teams. This includes systems & process engineering, staffing structure, change management, mediation, particularly between development and programs teams, and working with leaders to implement human-centered operational practices. Organizations are ecosystems where each person has an essential role to play; if the equilibrium feels off, let’s work together to uncover and heal what is holding back your community. If I’m not the right person for your particular challenge, I will refer you.

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